New York composer Bruce Lazarus will talk about uniting music and astronomy as a mixture of observation, musical intuition, and compositional craft. Moderated by Mercyhurst faculty member Dr. Albert Glinsky from the D’Angelo Department of Music, this informal conversation will focus on Lazarus’ major piano cycle, Musical Explorations of Messier Star Clusters and Nebulae, a set of musical interpretations of celestial objects first described by 17th century French astronomer Charles Messier and familiar to us today as the Andromeda Galaxy, The Pleiades, the Orion Nebula, and the iconic “Pillars of Creation”. Hubble and JWST images of Messier Objects reveal vistas of extraordinary beauty and also great variation in energy patterning – spiraling, floating, exploding, diffusing – which strongly suggest musical variations in rhythm, texture, formal design, and melodic elements. And in honor of the total solar eclipse later the same day, Lazarus will also discuss his Regarding Eclipses, composed in 2010 for the young people of North Cambridge Family Opera Chorus.
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